
Clog uses the same color model as Taskwarrior. A color iѕ described with one or more words. You can specify the foreground color, the background color, and some text effects.

Color can be both simple and complex. You can completely ignore the color models below, and just use color in one of these ways:

white on red
on red
bold blue
bold yellow on bright green underline

Or you can have full control using a 256-color model. But sometimes all you need is red and green.

16-Color Model

The basic color support is provided through named colors:

black, red, blue, green, magenta, cyan, yellow, white

Shown here used as foreground and background colors:

Foreground color (for text) is simply specified as one of the above colors, or not specified at all to use the default terminal text color.

Background color is specified by using the word on, and one of the above colors. Some examples:

green on yellow
on yellow

These colors can be modified further, by making the foreground bold, or by making the background bright. Some examples:

bold green
bold white on bright red
on bright cyan

Bold is not uniformly supported by all terminal emulators. Sometimes it results in a slightly brighter color, a lightly heavier typeface, or no difference.

The order of the words is not important, so the following are equivalent:

bold green
green bold

But the on is important - colors before the on are foreground, and colors after on are background.

There is an additional underline attribute that may be used:

underline bold red on black

Much like bold, you may see different behavior among different terminal emulators. There is also an inverse attribute that flips foreground and background colors:

inverse red

Some combinations look very nice, some look terrible. Different terminal programs do implement slightly different versions of 'red', for example, so you may see some unexpected variation across machines. The brightness of your display is also a factor.

256-Color Model

Using 256 colors follows the same form, but the names are different, and some colors can be referenced in different ways. First there is by color ordinal, which is like this:


This gives you access to all 256 colors, but doesn't help you much. This range is a combination of 8 basic colors (color0 - color7), then 8 brighter variations (color8 - color15). Then a block of 216 colors (color16 - color231). Then a block of 24 gray colors (color232 - color255).

The large block of 216 colors (6x6x6 = 216) represents a color cube, which can be addressed via RGB values from 0 to 5 for each component color. A value of 0 means none of this component color, and a value of 5 means the most intense component color. For example, a bright red is specified as:


And a darker red would be:


Note that the three digits represent the three component values, so in this example the 5, 0 and 0 represent red=5, green=0, blue=0. Combining intense red with no green and no blue yields red. Similarly, blue and green are:


Another example - bright yellow - is a mix of bright red and bright green, but no blue component, so bright yellow is addressed as:


A soft pink would be specified as:


You may notice that the large color block is represented as 6 squares. All colors in the first square have a red value of 0. All colors in the 6th square have a red value of 5. Within each square, blue ranges from 0 to 5 left to right, and within each square green ranges from 0 to 5, top to bottom. This scheme takes some getting used to.

The block of 24 gray colors can also be accessed as gray0 - gray23, in a continuous ramp from black to white.

True Color Model

This is true 24-bit color, and is not yet supported.

Mixing Color Models

If you specify 16-color colors, and view on a 256-color terminal, no problem. If you try the reverse, specifying 256-color colors and viewing on a 16-color terminal, you will be disappointed, perhaps even appalled. The results are usually that only the 16-color model is shown, and the rest is just blank.

There is some limited color mapping - for example, if you were to specify this combination:

red on gray3

Then you are mixing a 16-color and 256-color specifications. Taskwarrior will map red to color1, and proceed. Note that red and color1 are not quite the same tone.

Note also that there are no bold or bright attributes when dealing with 256 colors, but there is still underline available.

Terminal Settings

All of the above directly emit Xterm escape sequences to control color and have absolutely nothing to do with your $TERM setting.