Task Model

Tasks are stored internally as a key/value map with string keys and values. Display layers should apply appropriate defaults where necessary.


Any key/value map is a valid task, including an empty task. Consumers of task data must make a best effort to interpret any map, even if it contains apparently contradictory information. For example, a task with status "completed" but no "end" key present should be interpreted as completed at an unknown time.


Replicas only synchronize with one another occasionally, so it is impossible to know the "current" state of a task with certainty. This makes some kinds of modifications challenging. For example, suppose task tags were updated by reading a list of tags from a property of the key/value map, adding a tag, and writing the result back. Suppose two such modifications are made in different replicas, one setting tags to "oldtag,newtag1" and one setting tags to "oldtag,newtag2". Reconciling these two changes on a sync operation would result in one change winning, losing one of the new tags.

The key names given below avoid this issue, allowing user updates such as adding a tag or deleting a dependency to be represented in a single modification.

Value Representations

Integers are stored in decimal notation.

Timestamps are stored as UNIX epoch timestamps, in the form of an integer.


The following keys, and key formats, are defined:

  • status - one of P for a pending task (the default), C for completed, D for deleted, or R for recurring
  • description - the one-line summary of the task
  • modified - the time of the last modification of this task
  • start - the most recent time at which this task was started (a task with no start key is not active)
  • end - if present, the time at which this task was completed or deleted (note that this key may not agree with status: it may be present for a pending task, or absent for a deleted or completed task)
  • tag_<tag> - indicates this task has tag <tag> (value is ignored)
  • wait - indicates the time before which this task should be hidden, as it is not actionable
  • entry - the time at which the task was created
  • annotation_<timestamp> - value is an annotation created at the given time; for example, annotation_1693329505.
  • dep_<uuid> - indicates this task depends on another task identified by <uuid>; the value is ignored; for example, dep_8c4fed9c-c0d2-40c2-936d-36fc44e084a0

Note that while TaskChampion recognizes "R" as a status, it does not implement recurrence directly.


Any unrecognized keys are treated as "user-defined attributes" (UDAs). These attributes can be used to store additional data associated with a task. For example, applications that synchronize tasks with other systems such as calendars or team planning services might store unique identifiers for those systems as UDAs. The application defining a UDA defines the format of the value.

UDAs should have a namespaced structure of the form <namespace>.<key>, where <namespace> identifies the application defining the UDA. For example, a service named "DevSync" synchronizing tasks from GitHub might use UDAs like devsync.github.issue-id. Note that many existing UDAs for Taskwarrior integrations do not follow this pattern; these are referred to as legacy UDAs.